Friday, March 11, 2011


I wish I could say what I think about him, but that kind of language is quite unbecoming for the almighty and benevolent mayor of Vienna. Plus, my voters would be disgusted with me. That idiot venerated ME as the almighty guru of Anti-Semitism. As I stated in a previous post, that was all a political trick. I honestly didn't hate the Jews! I suppose that Hitler was a very impressionable and weakminded little boy when he was staying in Vienna. Either way, he prominently displayed me in his Mein Kampf as his hero of Anti-Semitism. If what he said was true, I am very sorry indeed that my political fads caused such a deep hatred of Jews in such an evil person. The thing is, I have inspired more people than just him, like Ignaz Seipel, Engelbert Dollfuss and Kurt Schuschnigg. None of those three people were Anti-Semitist. Perhaps Hitler was crazy. However, HE RUINED MY LEGACY. I was so well loved before he came along. I was fair to Jews and I was almost a democratic leader. He then came along and portrayed me as a monster that hated Jews. I hate Hitler. His Nazi principles were completely against my Socialist principles. He was a monster that went ahead and killed Jews and blamed them for every bad thing in the world up to his death. I am a benevolent leader. Anti-Semitism was just an idea that the Viennese could unite under and provide me votes.

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