Monday, January 31, 2011


I am Karl Lueger. I was born on October 24, 1844 in Wienden, a district of Vienna, Austria. Though I was later destined for fame (and infamy, due to that idiot Hitler), I had a modest background. I attended the historical and prestigious Theresianum boarding school and I received a degree in law from the University of Vienna. I established myself as a lawyer and my reputation as a counselor grew, which eventually brought me into politics.
In 1875 I was elected deputy of the city's Gemeinderat municipal assembly. One of my first jobs in politics was as Municipal Administrator. I believe I did a very good job there: I extended the public water system, which provided clean tap water to the citizens of Vienna. I also worked on other projects, such as improvement of gas and electricity works. In addition, I worked on public transit and social welfare (mostly debt financing). Overall, I improved the city of Vienna very much in its representation of the capital city of the great power of Austria. In 1885 I achieved a seat in the Abgeordnetenhaus of the Austrian Reichsrat parliament. I became very interested and supportive of socialism and the growing labour movement. I soon realized that anti-Semitist ideas were very beneficial to my popularity as I decided that the Jewish bourgeoisie were to blame for the precarious economic situation.
In 1893 I founded the Christian Social Party, which quickly gained power and rivaled the Social Democratic Party for majority of votes. The Christian Social Party catapulted me to the position of mayor of Vienna. However, I had conflicts with Prime Minister Kasimir Felix Badeni and Emperor Franz Joseph. The two men above had personal conflicts with me and blocked my attempt at becoming mayor. Unfortunately for them, I was smarter than that. My good friend Pope Leo XIII intervened and sanctioned my election to the office of mayor of Vienna. I was an excellent mayor, according to my unbiased opinion. I kept Vienna as the shining capital of Austria and I was very well-liked by the populace. People were very supportive of me through my improvement of the Viennese infrastructure and my Anti-Semitism.
 I remained in office from 8 April 1897 to 10 March 1910 when I experienced an early death due to chronic diabetes. I died aged 65. My remains are interred at St. Charles Borromeo Church at the Zentralfriedhof (also called Dr. Karl Lueger Memorial Church). It is interesting to note that my own funeral ceremony was one that I had also performed for other people.I never married, being a bachelor BY CHOICE my entire life. It is very important to note, however, that I never truly despised Jews; rather, it was a political move on my part. Anti-Semitism kept me at the height of my career and I became an inspiration for many of the citizens of Vienna. I have absolutely nothing to do with neither Nazi Germany nor that rabble-rouser Adolf Hitler. That is why, even after the purging of anything Anti-Semitist of Austria, my statues and memorials remained.

Here's a picture of me. Handsome, huh? Check out that beard :)

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